时间:2019-06-13    浏览量:



报告题目1:An Era of InnovationAn Era of Innovation

主讲人:  Sang H. Son



现任韩国大邱庆北技术学院(DGIST)讲座教授、韩国国家工程院董事会成员、韩国国家工程院外籍院士、韩国科学院院士、IEEE FellowProf. Son于美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)获取博士学位,曾为美国弗吉尼亚大学助教授、副教授、教授,并作为访问教授工作于韩国先进科技研究所 (KAIST)、韩国Sogang大学、法国Ecole Centrale de Lille、香港城市大学、瑞典Linkoping大学及Skovde大学。于2012年受聘于韩国DGIST,先后担任研究生院院长、信息与通信工程系主任、CPS国际中心主任、教务处主任、校长。

主要研究方向:实时系统、数据库与数据服务、无线传感器网络、信息物理融合系统、移动系统等。在相关领域完成著作4部,章节著作20余篇、论文340余篇,Google Scholar引用超过15000次,h-index 53。曾担任IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems主席(2007-2008)、包括RTSS等众多国际会议程序委员会主席和常务主席、IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems等众多期刊副主编,曾荣获IEEE/ACM Cyber Physical Systems Week杰出贡献奖(2012)、Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America2012)杰出服务奖、 Computer Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems(2009)服务奖、IEEE RTCSA’04杰出贡献奖等。


We are entering into an era of innovation and rapid change, driven by disruptive technology. It is a new kind of technological revolution that will fundamentally change the way we live and work. In its scale, scope, and impact, this transformation, called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before.

In this time of innovation, driven by the unique power of convergence, we should ponder on few important questions, including how should the scientists and engineers of the future be educated and what is the role of scientists. Regarding education, it is clear that the paradigms of the past—education by specialty, disciplinary boundaries, and so forth—will be (if not already are) inadequate for training those who will lead and drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution. How do we train the next generation of scientists and engineers with the capabilities essential in this new era of convergence thinking, individuals who can freely work across multiple fields of study, interacting with and integrating diverse people and subjects? Regarding the role of scientists in society, it is important to note that we have received enormous support from government and society, and we should contribute to the economic advancement in a more impactful way. This is especially important in the Fourth Industrial Revolution as convergence is not just defined by intellectual curiosity or as an academic exercise but by human needs and applications.

While the Fourth Industrial Revolution has had an impact even on the present, its impact will grow rapidly in the future. An incredible amount of novel technology will appear in various fields and that will significantly affect our lives. There are high expectations on scientists to lead the wave of innovation. Let's aim high and think how we will contribute to the society and humanity in this era of innovation.

报告题目2:An Indoor Location Analytics System for Exhibition and Convention Industries in a Smart & Open City

主讲人:  Joseph K.Y. Ng,香港浸会大学


现任香港浸会大学教授,香港浸会大学计算机系普适计算研究中心主任。Prof.Ng于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)获得学士、硕士及博士学位,曾为加州大学-伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)访问学者。

主要研究方向:实时嵌入式系统、信息-物理融合系统、物联网、无线通信、普适计算等,在相关领域发表期刊及会议论文170余篇。曾担任众多国际会议的Steering Chairs,Program ChairsGeneral Chairs,以及众多期刊的编委会成员及副主编。现为IEEE高级会员,曾先后担任IEEE香港分会Computer Society Chapter的执行委员会成员、常务秘书、副主席及主席。同时,Prof.Ng也是IEEE Communication Society会员、ACM会员、香港工程师学会会士(Fellow of HKIE)、香港计算机学会会士(Fellow of Hong Kong Computer Society)。


In Hong Kong, we agreed that a Smart City should emphasis on leveraging Information and Communications Technology to enhance the efficiency of a city’s systems, operations and services. But we also want to add user-centric and the degree of openness to the available services and data such that a Smart & Open City shall leverage human and social capital to facilitate the sustainable growth of the community and improve the quality of living. Hence, for the first part of the talk, we will describe the Smart City Projects and The Open City initiatives in Hong Kong. And in the latter part, we will talk about our recent research and development, under the Smart City framework, in merging two of the more important technologies – localization & tracking and big data analysis and put into practical use.

In the exhibition and convention industry, the more information and data you have about the visitor, the more likely you will succeed in your marketing strategy. And thus, the Indoor Location Analytics System (ILAS) is developed for better matchmaking between buyers and exhibitors in the exhibition industry. ILAS consists of 3 major components: 1) an indoor positioning system which use both Wifi-based and Mobile network based approaches to identify visitors’ location information, 2) a backend analytics system which combines the content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering approach for robust identification of visitors’ preference for enabling value-added services provisioning, and 3) a mobile apps allowing the system to communicate with the visitors to provide a just-in-time and personalized information according to the visitors’ current location. The proposed system adds values and opportunities to different stakeholders in the Exhibition and Convention Industry. On one hand, reducing the matchmaking cost between the buyers and exhibitors can enhance their levels of satisfaction. Also, based on the collected data, the backend analytics system can analyze the visitor flow patterns to provide decision support to the exhibition organizers for better venue design and booth pricing strategy. Furthermore, the introducing of “Femtocell” technology in the proposed solution allows seamless transition of mobile basestations from outdoor to indoor. It not only improve the positioning accuracy, but also opens up an opportunity to link up with mobile service providers for new business models like mobile advertisement and marketing.

报告题目3:Sharing of My Two Vs’ Research Interests: Vehdoop and ViDA


主讲人:Victor C.S. Lee,香港城市大学



主要研究方向:移动计算、车联网、智能交通、实时数据库系统等。目前已发表论文190余篇,其中 SCI 期刊论文80 余篇、国际会议论文100余篇,章节著作6篇。曾7次获得由香港研究资助局(Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, RGC)的面上研究项目资助(General Research Fund, GRF)3次获得由香港城市大学策略研究资助项目(Strategic Research GrantSRG)。现为IEEE Computer Society会员、ACM会员,曾担任IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter 秘书 (2003-2005) 及主席 (2006-2007)


Vehdoop is an analytical processing framework proposed for vehicular sensor networks to efficiently process sensor data in parallel across a large number of vehicles in a decentralized manner for supporting a wide range of intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications. The basic idea of Vehdoop and a motivational example will be introduced in the first part of the talk.  In the second part, ViDA, which is a tool to improve teaching and learning computer programming by facilitating students to receive instant debugging advice, will be presented. It is part of our ongoing effort to enhance an e-learning system called PASS and this work is a follow-up of our another research work that demonstrated PASS’s capacity in enhancing student learning motivation and self-efficacy, which received >250 citations according to Google Scholar dated 31 May 2019.